
Cutting Edge: Edinburgh’s Book Sculptures as Protest Art

Liz Menard 2018

First Gift found in the Scottish Poetry Library
Photo: Liz Menard

Cutting Edge: Edinburgh’s Book Sculptures as Protest Art

Tara Bryan (1953 – 2020)

Tara Bryan (October 14, 1953 to September 29, 2020) was a highly respected and well loved artist with a focus on making Artists’ Books. Deborah (Debbie) Kogan of Portand, Oregon wrote the lovely article that follows. Debbie was looking for someone to share this article online and I offered my website. With permission, I invite you to read Debbie’s article and share our admiration and respect for Tara.

On a personal note, I knew Tara, but not as well as I would have liked.  We met a short time before she became ill. Our friendship began when we met at Wayzgoose, Grimsby, Ontario. The next year, we sat side by side at Wayzgoose. That’s when our friendship began. We decided to do a collaborative book work together and had just started emailing ideas back and forth when Tara had to step back from things.  Tara was lovely. She was bright, talented and funny! Her life was cut short. Tara left us far too soon, I think.

Vessels and Pods

Monarchs, Mexico and Milkweed
Stoneware vessels with pods
Installation shot
Photo credit: Tom Blanchard

Vessels and Pods

Monarchs, Mexico and Milkweed
Photo credit: Tom Blanchard

Roosting Monarchs (detail)

Buttermilk Falls – Haliburton
Medium:  Etching, aquatint
Dimensions:  22 x 31 inches

Homage to E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)

Homage to E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)

Homage to E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
Collograph, Letterpress, Kozo
This installation piece features E. Pauline Johnson’s poem “The Song My Paddle Sings” using hand printed collographs resembling birch bark


Homage to E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) (Detail)

Homage to E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) (Detail)

Collograph, Letterpress, Kozo

Homage to E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)

Homage to E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)

Collograph, Letterpress, Kozo
This installation features E. Pauline Johnson’s poem “The Song My Paddle Sings” using hand printed collographs resembling birch bark


Lower Don River Factories


website - Lower Don River Factories

Lower Don River Factories
Medium:  Etching, aquatint
Dimensions:  22 x 30 inches
This etching is part of my Lower Don River series.